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  • Writer's pictureKarleen L.

Women RUN Business & The World!

In 2019, Forbes published their ‘America’s 100 Most Innovative Leaders’ article which featured only one woman whose picture was not even included. Forbes’s list stereotyped that innovation, business, and technology comes primarily from men. The Karleen Leveille Entrepreneurship Center doesn't believe that! So Karleen and her team decided to prove otherwise.

“Back to Business” a series highlighting entrepreneurs in Long Island and their Businesses decided to disprove Forbes' notion and list by producing a special episode highlighting the many women who are innovative, running businesses, and in technology. In this series, host, Karleen Leveille talks to four women to dispel the myths about women in business, technology, and innovation. This episode features members from Long Island Women in Tech, a supportive community of technologists, leaders, and entrepreneurs providing mentorship, career development, and education to women and girls!

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